Ernest Kuekam, PhD, DBA, MBA
Professeur agrégé en administration des affaires.
Diplômé de l’Université Paris Dauphine-PSL et de l’École des sciences de la gestion de l’UQÀM, il enseigne depuis 2012, plusieurs cours en marketing et management dans les universités canadiennes respectives : Université d’Ottawa
Jean-Marc Nolla, PhD
Regular professor at the UER of educational sciences at the University of Quebec in Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT)
Has a master's degree in political philosophy and a doctorate degree in education with a specialty in the assessment of learning in distance education of the University of Sherbrooke. He is a researcher at the observatory of digital technology in education (ONE).
Lembe Tiky, Ph.D.
Teacher of international relations and comparative politics at Fairfield University (USA), and Associate Researcher at the John Goodwin Tower Center for Political Studies at Southern Methodist University.
Holder of a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Yaounde, a Masters in international relations from American University in Washington, DC, and a phd in political science from the University of Texas.
Fosso Wamba, Samuel, PhD,
HDR is a full Professor in information systems and data science, as well as the Director of Research at GER Education, Toulouse, France.
He is also a visiting Professor Distinguished himself at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. He obtained his phd in industrial engineering at the Polytechnic School of Montreal, Canada.
Armel Que tin Tchanou, PhD
Affilié au département des systèmes d'information de l'Université de Sherbrooke (Québec, Canada)
il enseigne plusieurs thématiques en systèmes d'information et en méthodologies de recherche. Chercheur au CRCOI et en collaboration avec le Tech3Lab, sa recherche est centrée sur les questions d'interaction humain-machine visant le l'amélioration de la conception des systèmes.