Georges Nseke Misse, PhD
University of Paris Dauphine-PSL (DRM – CREPA : CNRS UMR 7088). Former Senior Engineer (Project Management Group, CAP Gemini, and then Steria/Sopra : banking/Finance), is a teacher-researcher at NEOMA BS (SupdeCo of Reims and Rouen
Management and Strategy, teaching and research work) and to the ESIIEE (Higher School of Engineering in Computer science, Electronics and Electrical engineering, Paris).
Eric Tchouaket, Ph.D
Professor in the department of nursing science, module health, the University of Quebec in Outaouais (UQO), Canada.
He holds the Canada research Chair in Economics of the prevention of infections (ÉconoPCI). He is also a specialist in health economics, and his fields of interest include the analysis of access to health care and the implementation of the universal health coverage (CSU) in developing countries.
Desired God Blessed Nyela, Ph.D
His work focuses on the performance of listed companies, the operations of mergers and acquisitions, the mechanisms of governance of private and public organisations, and their impact on the performance of these ; as well as supporting the internationalisation of SMES.
Simon Pierre Sigué, PhD
Is a Full Professor of Marketing in the Faculty of Business and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at Athabasca University, Canada
President of the Academy of African Business and Development (AABD), and former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of African Business (JAB).
Dieudonné Tchuenté, PhD
Professor in the didactics department of the University of Quebec in Montreal.
The program coordinator to Big Data on campus TBS Barcelona. His research focuses on artificial intelligence and specifically machine learning (machine learning) explainable and analysis of massive data (big data).
Felix Zogning, PhD
Man and media from the university, he is Professor in the department of accounting science from the University of Sherbrooke.
He holds the Canada research Chair in Economics of the prevention of infections (ÉconoPCI). He is also a specialist in health economics, and his fields of interest include the analysis of access to health care and the implementation of the universal health coverage (CSU) in developing countries.
Alexie Tcheuyap, FRSC,
A former student of the École normale supérieure, a Phd graduate in african literature from the University of Yaoundé, as well as a PhD in francophone literature and theories of the cinema of Queen's University.
After having taught at the University of Calgary, it is currently Professor and Vice-rector at the University of Toronto. As a visiting professor in South Africa, the United States, Germany, and France, his work focuses on the literatures, cinemas and media in Africa.